I guess I need a top hat and a twirly cane now 🎩
Folks, we've hit the big time. Lucian Ghinda, the properietor of Short
Ruby News, has shared mini-schwog with the Ruby public. Wow!
If you don't already read Short Ruby News, you should. It's an archivist's
dream, a really excellent snapshot of a week in the wonderful world of
Ruby. And to qualify for a mention, on his personal social media account!
It doesn't get better than that.
In hono(u)r of this momentous occasion I've cleaned up shop around here.
All these posts? Yeah, they're no longer a nested array of hashes. No way!
We're scaling! They're all now backed by 100% legit* YAML files. Just like
our grandparents used to do.
Formatting? Well, I could do neater ASCII.
OH! Here. Like I hinted at earlier, this now works as a functional backend
So you can see all these posts in your browser if you like. I call DRb-backed
web applications "mullet stack". Party in the back, business in the front.
P.S. But if you continue to read only via ASCII, I'll keep dropping you little
bonus material. It's like you're on the premium plus subscription. Except instead
of spending money you're spending requires.
facelift for minischwog
Well, let's have a little schwog formatting. This thing is a bastion of ideas. I think I could
fling a Rails front-end in front of this. How neat would that be. Rails *front end* and DRb
backend. Hah.
Not much time to type. Need to change the baby. But this is quicker.
Chillz in Ulster
A-haha. It is a chilly day in Belfast. We have had a pressure system that is quite
high the last few days. 1,040 hectopascales if that means anything to you. Some
know my first Ruby talk was about pressure systems, chronic pain, and Ruby.
The above is when I spoke to the NHS about it. ANYWAY. It's crazy high pressure.
And I've been reading up more on it. It doesn't manufacture pain but it can make
existing pain worse. So like, my sensitive tooth that is actually okay has been going
buck WILD. 🦷 Thank goodness I can blame it on the weather.
What else. This mini-schwogging system doesn't give you any of the dopamine hits of
releasing content and getting likes and stuff. I'll never know if you read this.
But maybe the dopamine hit of the creation itself is enough? I am enough anyway?
I had this superb idea right. For my main Schwog (you all know and love it) I could,
instead of building up a big email list, do something else. I still want to notify
people about Schwogs. But I want to resist the temptation to build a network to like,
sell vacuum cleaner tubes en masse in 2034.
The PITCH (and I am totally serious): phone calls. Get a phone call to let you know
there's a new schwog! It's kind of like how Jason Swett now does a monthly snail mail
newsletter. I've been on it since the beginning. And I get SO EXCITED when that letter
comes through.
Imagine, smotchkiss, the JOY when you get a phone call not from a telemarketer or an
uncle, but the SCHWOG. It *needs* you to know of a new post! It'll read you aloud the
title! In fact it might even be real audio, not just an AI reading text. Hell,
maybe *I* will personally actually ring everyone!
I won't bore you with the backend. It's easy-peasy. But your experience would be to plug
in your phone number, confirm via text, and select a preferable hour to call. I realized
that blasting everyone at once could leave an unpleasant surprise.
P.S. I think I could set up this DRB server so you could leave me comments and I could
somehow read them. But it's too simple at the moment. Maybe.
Just deployed a DRb server in 2024.
Just deployed a DRb server in 2024.
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. 🦖
Hot take
Hot take: The best code is the code you delete.
The second best code is the code you deploy to production using 20-year-old technology.
hello, whirld?
Remember when we used to mount proc? Pepperidge Farm remembers. And so does my DRb server.